How time flies! The 4 weeks of school holidays have ended and school starts again today. Spent the last weekend with my children doing scrapbooking and clay. Brought the children to a free scrapbooking lesson, and this is what they did together:
We still have a lot of photos, so we continued at home. This is what Ivan did himself, showing the musicals they attended:
And Joey came up with this:
Kristine also attempted, but she couldn’t manage everything herself, it is not completed yet. But I managed to finish this with QuicKutz cookie-cutters, they made the job of cutting all those alphabets much faster than the other die-cuts. 
Well, the girls are crying unfairness and pestering me to get them some clay since my boy did the earlier clay pieces. Finally, I bought them and these were what they did. Ivan and Joey followed books mainly, but Joey was very fast with her hands. Kristine didn’t know how to follow book, she did her pieces from imagination – not too bad at first, love the first few pieces at the left, but she got tired and started making things big on the right (and whatever are those!). I only helped them with the Santa Claus!

Well, the girls are crying unfairness and pestering me to get them some clay since my boy did the earlier clay pieces. Finally, I bought them and these were what they did. Ivan and Joey followed books mainly, but Joey was very fast with her hands. Kristine didn’t know how to follow book, she did her pieces from imagination – not too bad at first, love the first few pieces at the left, but she got tired and started making things big on the right (and whatever are those!). I only helped them with the Santa Claus!
Look like Ivan still likes food!
Joey likes animals!
Kristine's creations (a sort-of flower girl, a drawf, oranges, Santa Claus, lollipop, cake and the other 2 whatever they are, I wonder!)
Your kids did a great job on their scrapbook pages. I scrapbook my photographs too. I'm way behind though. My kids are 16 and 13, so as I am scrapbooking their baby photos, which the kids are 7 and 4 in the photos, I get to relive all these memories. I also have been framing some of my tatting and I use scrapbook paper for the background. It works out great!
Your kids did a great job scrapbooking. I love to scrapbook, myself. The girls did a great job on their clay sculptures.
I think it's wonderful you want to instill not just the fun but also the importance of scrapbooking in your children early. They seem to have a nack for it. Hopefully they'll stick with it.
Hi Carol, I had seen and admired your tatting framed with scrapbook paper, they are so nicely presented.
I did use thread to tie my earliest small tatted motifs on scrapbook paper and put them in those acid-free clear protectors. After a while, can't find the time and I ended up just putting them straight into the clear protectors!
Well, TattingChic, Cali, thanks for your comments. I hope to do more scrapbooking from now on since my children can participate. A bit boring and VERY taxing if I'm doing it all by myself!
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