I don't tat with wire often, but I'm trying to get the effect of fireworks, and so here's the result of combining wire with sequins. This fireworks paper clip is on Georgia Seitz's Online Tatting Class, you can get the pattern by clicking the link here.

These ATCs featured my Chinese-style paper cuttings, which I did with both penknife and scissors and acid-free 80 gm paper. They are relatively simple ones if you have seen those that I bought (in my last post).

This is the end of the school holidays, and the children are going back to school tomorrow. My DH bought a new TV for my parent's place, it was delivered a few days last week. When I went home that night the TV was delivered, the box housing the TV set had already transformed to this:

The Pinball Game, the brainchild of my boy, Ivan, with the help of his 2 sisters.
The marbles would roll down different paths and into the tunnel at the bottom to be collected with a tray! Do you call this recycling of scrap materials !?!

The children were drawing too in the holidays. I'm so amused by Ivan's ones.

This was done with marker pens, while the next one was done with pencil.

Joey did this for her school project with her classmate-cum-best friend, in mixed medium (poster colours and crayons).