Another award - this one is given by Tatskool. I'm very flattered, thank you, Pamela. Pamela dyes very cheerful Rainbow Bright HDTs and her hand-made Irish leprechauns are simply adorable. And this Renee Award is originally started by Bella Sinclair. She draws so well, check out her blog to see more of her fantastic illustrations.
I have been quiet longer than usual as I was trying hard to complete this motif for Camille for the Extreme Tatters Round Robin. It's finally done and on the way across the world. This will be my Motif No. 25 - Hisbiscus, tatted with Altin Basak size 50 threads:

Now that I'm done with the 25 Motif Challenge (after a full long year), you can bet I will still want to carry on with the challenge, Round 2, that is. My aim is still be to design and tat a second lot of 25 motifs. Well, the 1st will be coming up very soon - on 27 Apr - for Georgia's Online Tatting class. Watch the space!
This is really a very intriguing way to make the flower!
What an absolutely stunning hibiscus!
Will there be a pattern any time soon? I desperately hope so.
Fantastic flower! Can't wait to see what is next.
Love the flower. I love everything you design.
I hope that you are able to publish a book. You are a very talented designer and tatter.
This Hibiscus is wonderful and the fish and plumeria are exquisite.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Ooooh, the hibiscus is lovely! Beautiful! Love it! Can't say enough good things about it! *drool*
Congrats on your awards.
That is the BEST tatted hibiscus I have ever seen! I love it! I love your flower designs! So pretty! :)
That hibiscus is the most, drop dead gorgeous flower I have ever seen. I've been in love with your periwinkle and tulip forever! And add this and the goldfish to that, too. You should put together a book, Ellen. There are many, many of us less talented tatters out there that would snap up your fabulous designs in a heartbeat.
Ellen, your Camille is really lovely!
Ellen you are such a gifted tatter. It would give me great pleasure to be able to buy a book of your patterns as they are stunning.
That is sooooooo beautiful!! are you going to share the pattern??
I love it
Beautiful,beautiful flower!!
So life like.
Your hibiscus is fabulous, I too hope that you will be producing a book.
Your awards are so well deserved.
what did you do to make the stems and leaves look like that?
Thanks everyone! I guess all the different and rich colours of Altin Basak threads help enhanced the flower too.
I'm harbouring thoughts of a book, but so far, I'm having a lot of problems expressing free-form designs into diagrams and written instructions that make sense to others. I'll have to work harder on this area first.
Well, Krystle, the stem and leaves are done in pearl-tatting. I use this technique pretty often to achieve thick lines, like in the Merlion and the eye of the Goldfish.
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