My Secret Santa Exchange recipent was Pamela Myers. These were what I sent Pam.
Oops, I forgot the snowflake bookmark! Hope Pam won't mind I took this photo from her blog:

Angel Pam will be Motif No. 19/25. I decided to name this after Pamela, so as to differentiate the different angels that will follow in the coming weeks (hopefully).
Actually, there is another version of Angel Pam (photo below) - this was the first one I tatted. There were some slight differences in the head, the wings and the lower part of the skirt. I personally preferred the skirt of the angel I sent Pam (above), but I couldn't really decide which version was better for the head and the wings! What do you think ?
And if you noticed, yep, a ribbon could be weaved through again, to create a bookmark! Ok, I realise I love thinking up of designs that can be used as a bookmark or a motif for hanging or sewing/mounting onto a backing. Versatile is the word!