Last week was a tough one. First, it was my youngest girl falling sick with fever and vomitting. Next, my elder girl and both my parents went to the doctor, and myself too. All of us caught the virus - hard luck. A bright side to it was I lost the 2 kg I want to lose all these months! And luckier, my mom and myself were well enough on Saturday to catch a performance and concert.

Betrayed Babies was about a family of women struck by personal tragedies, set in the style of TV drama Sandiwara of the '80s, but presented by professional technical crew. Ok, not really my cup of tea, but I didn't want to waste the complimentary tickets.
Next, after a light dinner, we were at the concert "George Lam and the Symphony Orchestra" - at Singapore Expo, The MAX Pavilion. George performed for the first time with a symphony orchestra in Singapore.

No fanciful costume, no dancer nor dance, but backed with a full orchestra to hot up the live mood of the concert; looking and listening to George was just as entertaining as he sang through 2 hours plus and 2 encores to satisfy his fans. Rumored to be his last world tour before retirement, George Lam is well known for his eccentric, satirical humor, cool demeanor and his moustache, and no doubt about it. He is a singer, songwriter, composer and actor; not exactly handsome, but charming in his own way, especially when he sings, be it a gentle love ballad like “Xuan Ze” (选择) or a strong macho song such as “Nan Er Dang Zi Qiang” (男儿当自强), be it a slow track or a fast one.
One of his next stops is in
Malaysia in Apr 09. If you have your speakers on, you can listen to a few of his popular hits in the link, at least before the event is over.
1 comment:
Wow, you sure go to a lot of events! I envy you! I just popped over to say thank you for entering the giveaway! Good luck to you! :)
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