I have been real busy with lots of things in hand. I have quite a bit to catch up and to show. And this new blogger is giving me problems :(
After the first "Butterflies and Buttons" ATC, I tatted more button flowers to sew 2 more ATCs - 1 for Linda Keller (USA) for the Birthday ATC swap (her birthday falls in May), and another for the month of May for The Linen Shelf's ATC Challenge.

I finally decided to dig out my semi-precious stones to make these bird nest pendants, but personally, I still prefer flowers and butterflies to bird nests.
Nancy Tracy's free pattern for April was a bumble bee. I think white wings would look better, but nevertheless, they are real fast to tat up with just 2 colours.
Here are my April inchies swaps sent to Debbie House (USA), the host. Besides inchies, there are betwinchies, Moos and an ATC.
The alphabet inchies are totally done using die-cuts. I just love to challenge myself to squeeze in the details in the 1-inch square.
The Moos with tatted flowers and betwinchies with roses assembled from punch/die-cut.
The ATC with windows "Who Are Behind M & R?".
My May inchies swaps are also mailed out to Debbie.
Continuation of the alphabet inchies, all done with die-cut so far.
ATC "Playing Pirate" - animal head with human body.
And dolls received from Mary Flower (USA). Mary's dolls also look so lovely and colourful. I'm so happy to be swapping with her finally!!!
Button fairy, Ms Papillon Chic, created for the ATC-ArtDolls April challenge.
And finally, for the May ATC session in Bishan Library, we did some collage work with painted textured papers, taking inspirations from Eric Carle. We produced some really awesome works within the half hour!
Here's my piece, and the ATC I swapped with Mdm Au "M is for Mouse".