Monday, February 13, 2012

More Tatting and Sewing!

Finally, I finished the last pieces of the fabric alphabet ATC swap. These are for Mari (South Africa). In my next post, I'll show my whole set of tatted critters from A to Z!I made up this simple floral pattern to show the following colour schemes for the Colour Theory course - from left to right: Split-Complementary, Triadic, Tetradic. Yes! I finally cleared this particular lesson!
Part 3 of the StitchMap's challenge for a stitcher's travel bag and accessories was a straight pin rollup and needlecase. Using the same fabric and adding more tatted flowers to adorn the front and inside, I was more confident of using the machine now (or rather, not so nervous!), though the sewing wasn't going all straight yet ;)

I have finished Part 4 too, but that's all for now!


  1. HI!

    Thank you for visting my Blog and leaving a comment for a chance at my Valentine Give Away.

    You tatting is fabulous! I have always wanted to learn but just never seem to be able to find the time.

    Have a great day!
    Nicki Lee

  2. this is just lovely. I've been fusing some tatting on needle book cover - enjoyed your photos and post

  3. Singtatter,
    All your work is a joy & full of great work! Thankyou for sharing them with everyone.
